Building a barndominium is a great way to get a custom home without spending a fortune. There are many reasons why a barndominium can be a good substitute for a traditional home. However, metal buildings can also have their own sets of issues, such as letting in a lot of noise. That’s why it is so important to know how to soundproof a metal building before you start your barndo project.

There are a few different things you can do when figuring out how to soundproof a metal building. Knowing the differences between different methods is your best option for making the right choice. In this article, we have put together a complete guide on how to soundproof a metal building. Knowing how the process works and what you need to do can get you started on the right track.
Why Learn How to Soundproof a Metal Building?
When you build a barndominium, you will first have to construct a metal post-frame building. These buildings are usually reserved for things like barns, warehouses, and stables. Because of this, they will not be very quiet when they are built stock. This means that you will have to learn how to soundproof a metal building before you can live in it.
Knowing how to soundproof a metal building will ensure that your barndominium is comfortable. The high ceilings and reflective wall surfaces of barndos mean they can be incredibly loud. Any noise in the house will echo and reflect back to you, which can be irritating. Knowing how to soundproof a metal building is a great way to ensure your comfort and security.
Know Your Goals When Learning How to Soundproof a Metal Building
One of the most important things when learning how to soundproof a metal building is knowing your goals. This will ensure that you don’t spend money unnecessarily and that you can achieve them. You must remember that you will never be able to keep noise out completely. No matter what you do, some sounds from outside will make their way in. However, you can do some things to improve the sound situation.

You also must understand that soundproofing can mean different things to different people. For the most part, the soundproofing you do will keep noise from echoing in the home. Keeping noise out is much more difficult, but your insulation and interior framing will help quite a bit. Setting your expectations beforehand is a great way to set yourself up for success.
Ways to Soundproof a Metal Building
There are quite a few ways to learn how to soundproof a metal building. Depending on your goals and the amount of sound you want to control, you may want to try one or more. By having a good idea of what methods are at your disposal, you can make the right choice for your metal barndominium.
Use Mass Addition
Mass addition is one of the best, least intrusive ways to soundproof your barndominium. Essentially, this means that you will add things like framing, walls, and ceilings to the building. For the most part, you will be doing these things anyway since you are turning the barn into a home. This will immediately cut out some of the most intrusive noise.
If you put a ceiling in your barndo, you can add insulation between that and the roof. This will add mass to the interior of the building itself. You can also be sure that none of the metal walls are left bare. By adding drywall, insulation, and ceilings, you can control the reflections of sound and keep sound out.
Add Acoustic Foam
Acoustic foam is another fantastic method for keeping sound out of your metal building. When thinking about how to soundproof a metal building, this probably comes to mind first. Acoustic foam has ridges that are designed to stop sound reflections. By putting this foam up in your barndo, you can keep sound from outside out of the house’s interior.
Acoustic foam can go in between the drywall and the raw metal walls of the building. However, you should check with your local building inspector before the installation. Some municipalities have laws regarding what can be used for insulation. The addition of this foam plus the spray foam temperature insulation will work wonders with keeping out sound.
Use Fabrics
Believe it or not, fabrics can do a lot when soundproofing a building. Just by virtue of having curtains and other fabrics up in the home, the sound inside will be deadened. Plus, you get the added benefit of using soundproofing in your interior design. For the most part, learning how to soundproof a metal building isn’t nearly as decorative.
Fabrics for soundproofing can be as simple as using carpet instead of hardwood flooring. You can also use curtains instead of blinds and put up tapestries instead of traditional artwork. There are all kinds of options that you can choose from when using fabric for soundproofing. It should be fairly easy to find a solution that fits your style.
Install a Floor Underlayment
One of the most important things you can do when figuring out how to soundproof a metal building is look for elegant solutions. Installing a floor underlayment is one such solution. Floor underlayment is another layer between the concrete slab, moisture barrier, and flooring. It will not be visible, and it will go a long way toward keeping your metal building quiet.

Floor underlayment will usually be some type of foam or rubber. Because of that, it has incredible sound-damping properties. It will also ensure that your floor is comfortable to walk on. However, its most important quality is the fact that you will not see it in the decor of your home.
Knowing how to soundproof a metal building is incredibly important for building a home. Metal can be a loud and abrasive material for a dwelling, and using the right methods to make it comfortable is crucial. By understanding the process and how you can do it elegantly, you can beautifully integrate it into your design.
If you would like more guides like this one, be sure to check out the rest of Here, you will find tips and tricks from the pros as well as featured barndominiums. These will get you inspired and get you thinking about your own custom dream home.